Processional Hymn: 381 Praise, my soul
Psalm 99 arr. Deirdre Piper
Gradual Hymn 167 Carlisle
Offertory Hymn 48 Picardy
Communion Anthems: We have come at Christ's own bidding (hymn 166, arr. Deirdre Piper)
When in our music God is glorified (18th century melody, arr. John Scott)
Hymn 598 Engelberg
Organ Postlude: Rhapsodic Variations on 'Engelberg' Deirdre Piper
This organ piece was composed for the RCCO Ottawa Centre's Members' Recital of 22 November 2015, the Feast of St Cecilia (patron saint of musicians). This was the occasion of the College's formal farewell to the Casavant Freres op. 2378 (1957), the organ st St Matthias. this piece is based on the hymn tune Engleberg (Common Praise 598), the last hymn sung on Feb 7 and is a set of variations on that tune.
Processional Hymn: 645 (Down Ampney)
Psalm 71: 1 - 6 arr. Deirdre Piper
Gradual Hymn 449 (O Jesu)
Offertory Hymn 335 (Hurrle)
Communion Anthems: A new commandment I give unto you (Richard Shephard)
Christ is our cornerstone (David Thorne)
Hymn 472 (Magda)
Organ Postlude: Paean (Peter Hurford)
Processional Hymn 484 (St Bernard 607)
Psalm 19 arr. Deirdre Piper
Gradual Hymn 635 (Bridegroom)
Offertory Hymn 600 (Briggs)
Communion Anthems: In the heart where love is abiding (plainsong melody, arr. John Barnard)
Peace before us (Words & music by David Haas, based on a Navaho prayer; arr. Deirdre Piper)
Hymn 383 (Duke Street)
Organ Postlude: Toccata (Max Reger)
Processional Hymn 428 (Abbot's Leigh)
Psalm 36: 5 - 10 arr. Deirdre Piper
Gradual Hymn 403 (The Ash Grove)
Offertory Hymn 255 (Highwood)
Communion Anthems: Rise up and shine (Common Praise 157, arr. Deirdre Piper)
O breath of life (Alan Bullard)
Hymn 393 (St Denio)
Organ Postlude: Festal Finale (Henry Coleman)
Processional Hymn 646 (Grägenberg)
Psalm 29 arr. Deirdre Piper
Gradual Hymn 42 (Marching)
Offertory Hymn 163 (St Venantius)
Communion Anthems: What king would wade (Common Praise 164, arr. Deirdre Piper)
There shall a star from Jacob come forth (Felix Mendelssohn)
Hymn 162 (Salzburg)
Organ Postlude: Toccata (Eugène Gigout)